Make the switch

Catalyst takes the hard work out of claiming your petrol refund.

Instead of wasting hours on paperwork each quarter you could be using that time to focus on more important tasks within your business, or taking a hard earned break. Put a value on your time and you may just realise that it could be better spent. Sometimes specialised services are worth paying for.

Anyone who switches from their current supplier or from doing it themselves to Catalyst this month we will go into the draw to win $1000 of fuel from one of our fuel supplier partners.

Catalyst Other agents
Free registration. ?
Not locked into a contract. ?
Free phone support Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. ?
Guarantee completion of your refund on time every quarter. ?
Trusted and secure. ?
Partnerships with a number of NZ’s largest fuel distributors means we can access your petrol purchase information on your behalf. ?
Transparency. ?

Catalyst makes claiming fuel refunds easy.  The staff are friendly, efficient and make the whole process simple and hassle free.

Sam Morrah / Sheep and Beef Farmer

Couldn’t have been simpler, two phone calls and a text… then a deposit in my bank.  
My accountant said it wasn’t worth it, but the refund nearly paid my accountants bill.

William Moylan / Sheep and Cropping

It’s money for jam really, we receive a phone call each quarter, email off our 3 statements and wait for the payment which is always super quick.

Wayne and Kelly Gear / Jim's Mowing and Jim's Tree & Stump Removal

Sign up today

Don’t miss out on another quarter! Register for free online or over the phone on 0800 47 37 27 and find out what you could be owed today.