Terms and Conditions

Catalyst Fuel Refunds (“CFR”) Terms and Conditions

  1. I authorise Catalyst Fuel Refunds Ltd (CFR) to act as my agent with the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and allow CFR to submit applications to the NZTA for any Fuel Excise Duty (FED) refunds owed to me over the past 24 months and on an ongoing basis until I notify them otherwise.  This is effective from the date below.
  2. I authorise CFR to collect, retain and use any information about me for the purpose of completing any necessary applications to NZTA or marketing products and services to me.
  3. I give permission to CFR to work directly with my suppliers (including fuel supplier, vehicle service agent, accountant, etc.) to retrieve any information for the sole purpose of completing FED refunds on my behalf.
  4. I acknowledge that I am aware of and agree to the relevant fees being deducted from my refund, including:  
    a). CFR’s commission of 22% + GST if I purchase petrol through one of their fuel partners or 24.5% +GST if not,  
    b). If any FED refund received by CFR is for less than 400 litres, a $30 + GST processing fee.
  5. I warrant that all information is true and correct and has been supplied in full to CFR. CFR will rely on the accuracy of this information when preparing applications to NZTA.
  6. I acknowledge that CFR will receive any FED refunds due to me on my behalf and the funds will be held in their trust account. Refunds, less agreed CFR fees, will be made available to me the same week CFR receives the refund.
  7. I understand that the information that I have supplied to CFR has not been reviewed or audited, nor will it be prior to being submitted and therefore CFR, including any employees, accepts no responsibility as a direct result of the integrity of the information.
  8. CFR will publish on their website any changes to the Terms and Conditions and/or fees. Changes will be effective from the date they are published.
  9. Where these terms and conditions are signed by an individual, that individual is confirming that they have the authority to bind the other people named or the company they are signing for.
  10. CFR agrees to keep confidential, all the information gathered and held on my behalf.